TK-AM501 supports SP5 socket, Infrastructure A – E
TK-AM502 supports SP5 socket, Infrastructure A – G
SP5 FFED* no need for separate back plate
Only One FFED needed (minimal SP5 socket insertions)
Supports Continuous AC and DC Testing
Up to 10 times faster test time with automated test suites**
Automatic PDF Report Generation
Accurate to 1%
Approved by AMD
Works with any SP5 cooling solution
Telemetry reporting of SVI3
Additional SVI 3 debug SW Applications
Includes two SVI3 (up to 50MHz) MasterBlasters
Save, file share and recall of waveforms
Save, file share and recall of test vectors
Q1 2023: CSV export of wave form data, API, 3D Sweep
* FFED (Form Factor Equivalent Device)
** Compared to SDLE
TK-AM501 for AMD SP5 socket
Infrastructure A - E
with cooling solution optional
TK-AM502 for AMD SP5+ socket
Infrastructure A - G (Q1 2023)
with cooling solution optional
Service Center
深圳市创兴恒技术有限公司 /Forenext Technology Limited/0755-23012596
Forenext Technology Limited/0755-23012596